UNMASK CONNECT BETA TEST ENROLLEES: Those who have enrolled in the UNMASK Connect beta test will be granted free access to the community and it's benefits for a period of 30 days after enrollment, at which time you will be sent a link to pay for your enrollment for further use of the community. You may not re-enroll in the beta test after the initial 30 day period of free enrollment has concluded. You will additionally be unenrolled from UNMASK Lite until a payment has been process in your name. By agreeing to these terms you consent to being sent an invoice to collect these payments, as well as any legal action taken to collect these payments. You also consent to a collection of the full monetary amount equivalent to that of enrollment in UNMASK Connect if you fail to provide a sufficient review of the beta, as well as the equivalent to that of enrollment in UNMASK Lite at the end of the 30 day period. 

As of March 25, 2024 - if you did not pay prior to enrolling in the school, or any of its courses, you will be considered an unauthorized enrollee and will be unenrolled and denied access to the contents of the UNMASK Lite program and UNMASK Connect membership until a payment has been processed. You must use the same email address in your customer information to process your payment as you use to enroll. To be sent a payment link, please email [email protected] or use the UNMASK Lite signup link on the @iamkensleymericci Instagram page. I acknowledge that I bought this course of my own freewill and am not entitled to a refund by any means. I acknowledge that I can not, under any circumstances, share the content of this course, distribute the contents of this course, or replicate the content of this course for my own personal monetary gain. I acknowledge that the content of this course is not medical advice, and that it is to be used as a resource for educating myself on the experiences of another person solely out of curiosity. The owner of this course, Kensley Mericci, and all her affiliates are in no way liable and are to be indemnified against any and all legal action, complaints, issues, differences of opinion and interpretations that I may wish to pursue. This agreement is retroactive and will survive indefinitely.